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Senin, 02 November 2009

New United Indonesia Cabinet II “Kabinet Indonesia Bersatu II”

Finally, new cabinet “Indonesia Bersatu” vol 2 has been announced last night (Oct 21) in Istana Negara at 22:00 pm by Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. Here are the names:

Coordinating Ministers

1. Coordinating Minister for Legal, Political and Security Affairs: Marsekal TNI Purn Djoko Suyanto
2. Coordinating Minister for the Economy: Ir. Muhammad Hatta Rajasa
3. Coordinating Minister for People’s Welfare: Dr. H. R. Agung Laksono

4. State Secretary: Sudi Silalahi
5. Minister of Home Affairs: Gamawan Fauzi, S.H., M.M.
6. Minister of Foreign Affairs : Dr. Raden Muhammad Marty Mulia Natalegawa
7. Minister of Defense: Prof. Dr. Ir. Purnomo Yusgiantoro
8. Minister of Law and Human Rights: Patrialis Akbar
9. Minister of Finance: Dr. Sri Mulyani Indrawati
10. Minister of Energy and Natural Resources: Dr. Darwin Zahedy Saleh
11. Minister of Industry: Ir. Muhammad S. Hidayat
12. Minister of Trade: Dr. Mari Elka Pangestu
13. Minister of Agriculture: Ir. H. Suswono, M.Ma
14. Minister of Transportation: Freddy Numberi
15. Minister of Forestry: Zulkifli Hasan
16. Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries: Dr. Ir. Fadel Muhammad
17. Minister of Labor and Transmigration: Dr. H. A. Muhaimin Iskandar, M.Si
18. Minister of Public Works: Ir. Djoko Kirmanto
19. Minister of Health: Dr. dr. Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih
20. Minister of National Education: Prof. Dr. Ir. Muhammad Nuh
21. Minister of Social Services: Dr. H. Salim Assegaf Al’jufrie
22. Minister of Religious Affairs: Dr. Suryadharma Ali, M.Si
23. Minister of Culture and Tourism: Ir. Jero Wacik, S.E.
24. Minister of Information and Communication: Ir. H. Tifatul Sembiring

State Ministers
25. State Minister for Research and Technology: Suharna Surapranata
26. State Minister of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises: Dr. Syarif Hasan
27. State Minister of Environment: Prof. Dr. Ir. Gusti Moh. Hatta
28. State Minister for Women Empowerment and Children Protection: Linda Amaliahsari, S.Ip
29. State Minister for State Apparatus and Administrative Reforms: E.E. Mangindaan, S.Ip
30. State Minister for Acceleration of Development in Underdeveloped Regions: Ahmad Helmy Faisal
31. State Minister for National Development Planning and Chairperson of the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas): Prof. Dr. Armida Alisjahbana
32. State Minister for State Enterprises: Prof. Ir. Mustafa Abubakar
33. State Minister for Public Housing: Suharso Manoarfa
34. State Minister for Youth and Sports Affairs: Andi Mallarangeng

Ministerial-Level Officials:

1. Head of Presidential Working Unit for Development Monitoring and Controlling: Dr. Ir. Kuntoro Mangkusubroto
2. Head of State Intelligence Agency: Jenderal Pol Purn Sutanto
3. Head of Indonesian Investment Coordinating Board: Gita Wirjawan

Senin, 29 Juni 2009

Michael Jackson, Si Eksentrik, Berbakat dan Kelam

Jum'at, 26 Juni 2009 16:36
Di tengah-tengah kegembiraan penggemar menantikan comeback-nya, Michael Jackson malah mengubahnya jadi derai air mata. Raja pop yang dipuja karena bakatnya dan dipenuhi masalah dalam kehidupan pribadinya ini meninggal dengan cara mengejutkan. Jackson ditemukan pingsan di manson-nya dan meninggal dalam perawatan di UCLA Medical Center, yang tak jauh dari rumahnya di Holmby Hills, LA.

Awal Karir

Anak ketujuh dari sembilan bersaudara, putra pasangan Joseph dan Katherine Jackson ini terlahir dengan nama Michael Joseph Jackson. Pria berbakat ini lahir di Gary, Indiana, pada 29 Agustus 1958.

Jackson ketujuh ini memulai karirnya bersama kakak-kakaknya lewat grup musik Jackson Five. Debut profesionalnya ini dimulai saat usianya masih 11 tahun. Grup ini berhasil mendongkrak tangga lagu dengan empat single pertama mereka, di antaranya I Want You Back dan ABC. Sebagai soloist, Jackson juga merekam album untuk Motown Records sebelum pindah label rekaman bersama kakak-kakaknya. Jackson Five tetap bersatu di bawah label Epic Records dan melanjutkan rekaman hingga tahun 1984.

Bersama produser Quincy Jones, Jacko bekerja bareng untuk membuat film musikal di tahun 1978, THE WIZ. Jackson meluncurkan album solonya OFF THE WALL, di mana Jones berperan sebagai co-produser, dengan hits seperti Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough dan Rock With You. Album solo keduanya, THRILLER yang diluncurkan tahun 1982 jadi awal kebesaran Jacko. Album ini dinobatkan sebagai album best-selling terbesar sepanjang waktu.


Dengan video musik Thriller, nama Jackson melambung tinggi. Lagu hits ini menduduki tangga lagu selama 37 minggu. Thriller juga dinominasikan untuk 12 kategori di piala Grammy dan berhasil memenangkan delapan piala.

Pada bulan Maret 1983, penyanyi ini tampil live membawakan lagunya Billie Jean di acara special, Motown 25: Yesterday, Today, Forever TV. Di acara inilah untuk pertama kalinya dia menampilkan gerakan tari khas-nya, yang dikenal dengan nama moonwalk (berjalan di permukaan bulan).

Tahun depannya, Jackson mengalami luka bakar parah saat sedang syuting iklan Pepsi-Cola di Shrine Auditorium, Los Angeles. Kejadian itu berawal saat kembang api mengenai rambutnya dan terbakar. Penyanyi ini mendapat ganti rugi dan menyumbangkan ke Michael Jackson Burn Center dengan uang ganti rugi senilai US$1,5 juta. Pusat perawatan ini dibangun dengan teknologi lengkap untuk membantu orang-orang yang menderita luka bakar.

Si Anak Dengan Masa Lalu Kelam

Di tahun 1984, Jackson melakukan tur terakhirnya dengan The Jacksons untuk promosi album VICTORY. Lagu hit dari album ini adalah duet Michael dan Mick Jagger lewat lagu State of Shock. Tahun berikutnya, dia ikut menulis dan menyanyikan lagu untuk Afrika bersama penyanyi lain di lagu We Are The World.

Tahun 1987 bersamaan dengan peluncuran albumnya, BAD, di mana dia mulai mempertontonkan bukti kesuksesannya. Jackson mulai membangun rumah mewah bak mini Disneyland dan diberinya nama Neverland. Tempat tinggal mewah ini jadi obat bagi masa kecil, yang diklaimnya tidak pernah dijalani seperti layaknya anak-anak.

Jackson akhirnya buka mulut soal dirinya dan juga masa kecilnya yang kurang bahagia dalam wawancara di acara TV Oprah Winfrey Show di tahun 1993. Menjawab soal gosip tentang prosedur pemutihan kulit, dalam wawancara ini Jackson mengaku kalau dia menderita kelainan yang disebut vitiligo (kehilangan warna dalam kulit). DIa juga mengaku mendapat siksaan fisik dari ayahnya semasa anak-anak. Dia menceritakan pada Oprah tentang ayahnya yang duduk di kursi sambil membawa sabuk saat dia dan saudara-saudaranya berlatih bernyanyi. Sang ayah mengganjar dengan lecutan sabuk kalau mereka tidak melakukan sesuai dengan yang diharapakannya.

Dirundung Kasus

Tak lama setelah itu, Michael dituduh melakukan pelecehan pada seorang anak berusia 13 tahun yang menginap di Neverland. Namun polisi tidak menemukan bukti-bukti yang mendukung tuduhan ini saat mereka memeriksa Neverland. Kasus ini tak terpecahkan. Selama tidak ada tuduhan lain serupa, Jackson dinyatakan tidak bersalah.

Pada Agustus 1994, Jackson menikahi putri legendaris Rock N' Roll, Elvis Presley, Lisa Marie Presley. Pernikahan mereka hanya mampu bertahan seumur jagung, tahun 1996 mereka bercerai. Jackson menikahi Debbie Rowe, seorang perawat di tempat dokter yang menangani masalah kulitnya. Dari pernikahan ini dia mendapatkan dua anak dengan cara inseminasi buatan. Anak pertamanya Prince Michael Jackson lahir pada 1997 dan anak perempuannya, Paris Michael Jackson lahir tahun 1998. Jackson dan Rowe bercerai di tahun 1999. Raja Pop ini juga memiliki anak ketiga dengan cara inseminasi buatan dari wanita yang namanya dirahasiakan, anak lelaki ini diberi nama Prince Michael Jackson II, yang dipanggil dengan nama Blanket.

Jackson sudah tidak terlalu berminat lagi pada kehidupan profesional. Pendapatannya dari penjualan album di tahun 1995 HIStory: Past, Present, and Future, Book I campur aduk, walau ada dua single hits di album, ini You Are Not Alone dan Scream, duet bareng adiknya Jannet Jackson. Dan albumnya INVICIBLE diluncurkan di tahun 2001, dengan menunjukkan dia sebagai musisi eksentrik dan sekaligus serius.

Selamat Tinggal Neverland

Jackson merusak reputasinya sendiri saat dia bermain-main dengan putranya Blanket di balkon hotel di Berlin. Jacko mengayun-ayunkan anaknya di balkon supaya para penggemar di bawahnya bisa melihatnya.

Masalah yang sebenarnya muncul di tahun 2003, dengan dokumenter TV Living with Michael Jackson, di mana penyanyi ini mengungkapkan pada jurnalis Inggris, Martin Bashir kalau dia berbagi tempat tidur dengan anak-anak. Di tahun 2004, Jackson ditahan dengan beberapa tuduhan, yang di antaranya adalah memberikan alkohol pada anak-anak, melakukan pelecehan dan percobaan penculikan. Media berlomba-lomba memberitakan proses persidangan. Suatu hari Jackcon datang terlambat dalam persidangan dan muncul dengan mengenakan piyama. Namun pada akhirnya 14 Juni 2005 diputuskan kalau penyanyi ini bersih dari semua tuduhan.

Karena merasa Neverland terkontaminasi dengan digeledah polisi saat kasus pelecehan itu, Jackson memutuskan membawa anak-anaknya hijrah ke Bahrain. Beredar kabar dia mempersiapkan pembuatan album barunya di negara Timur Tengah itu.

Awal tahun ini dia mengumumkan akan tampil dalam serangkaian konser di Inggris. Jackson mengatakan ini akan jadi penampilan terakhirnya - dan ternyata sebelum penampilan itu sendiri dia telah mengucapkan selamat tinggal pada penggemarnya untuk selama-lamanya.

Friday, June 26, 2009 16:36
Amidst the excitement of fans waiting for his comeback, Michael Jackson even turned it into tears. King of pop is adored because of his talent and full of problems in his personal life is dying in a way surprising. Jackson was found unconscious in his Manson and died in care at UCLA Medical Center, not far from his home in Holmby Hills, LA.

Early Career

The Seventh child of nine siblings, the couple's son Joseph and Katherine Jackson was born with the name Michael Joseph Jackson. This talented man was born in Gary, Indiana, on August 29, 1958.

Jackson started his career with seven older brothers through music group the Jackson Five. He started his professional debut at age of 11 years. This group managed to push up the charts with their first four singles, including ‘I Want You Back’ and ‘ABC’. As a soloist, Jackson also recorded albums for Motown Records before moving record label with her brothers. Jackson Five remain united under the label Epic Records and continued recording until 1984.

Together with producer Quincy Jones, Jackson worked together to make a movie musical in 1978, THE WIZ. Jackson launched his solo album OFF THE WALL, where Jones served as co-producer, with hits like Do not Stop 'Til You Get Enough and Rock With You. Second solo album, Thriller, which was launched in 1982 so the early greatness of Jackson. The album was crowned as the best-selling album, the greatest of all time.


With the music video Thriller, Jackson's name soared. This song hits the charts occupied for 37 weeks. Thriller also been nominated for 12 categories of trophies won eight Grammys and trophy.

In March 1983, the singer is performing live his song Billie Jean brought on the show special, Motown 25: Yesterday, Today, Forever television. At this event for the first time he displays his typical dance movements, known as the Moonwalk (walk on the lunar surface.)

Next year, Jackson suffered severe burns when she was filming the ad with Pepsi-Cola at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles. The incident began when the pyrotechnics of his hair and burned. The singer's compensation and donate to the Michael Jackson Burn Center with a cash compensation of U.S. $ 1.5 million. The center was built with a complete technology to help people who suffered burns.

The Boy With a Dark Past

In 1984, Jackson last toured with The Jacksons to promote the album VICTORY. The hit song of this album is a duet of Michael and Mick Jagger through the song "State of Shock. The following year, he co-authored and sang songs to Africa with another singer in the song We Are The World.

Year 1987 in conjunction with the launch of his album, BAD, where he began to show evidence of success. Jackson started building mini mansions like Disneyland and gave the name of Neverland. This luxury residence to be a cure for childhood, which claims to have never lived like children.

Jackson finally opened his mouth about himself and also the less happy childhood in an interview on TV show Oprah Winfrey Show in 1993. Answering questions gossip about skin whitening procedures, in this interview Jackson admitted that he was suffering from a disorder called vitiligo (loss of color in the skin). He also claimed to have during her father's physical abuse of children. She told Oprah about her father who was sitting in a chair with a belt when he and his brothers to practice singing. The father reward with belt lash if they do not perform in accordance with the diharapakannya.

Afflicted Case

Not long after, Michael accused of abuse on a child aged 13 years who stay at Neverland. But police found no evidence to support this allegation when they check Neverland. The case is unsolved. As long as there is no other similar charges, Jackson was found not guilty.

In August 1994, Jackson married the daughter of legendary Rock N 'Roll, Elvis Presley, Lisa Marie Presley. Their marriage was only able to survive the rest of the corn, they divorced in 1996. Jackson married Debbie Rowe, a nurse at the doctors who deal with problem skin. From this marriage he got two children by artificial insemination. Prince Michael Jackson's first child was born in 1997 and her daughter, Paris Michael Jackson was born in 1998. Jackson and Rowe divorced in 1999. King of Pop also has a third child by artificial insemination of a woman whose name is withheld, the boy is named Prince Michael Jackson II, who was called Blanket.

Jackson was not so interested anymore in professional life. Its revenue from album sales in 1995 HIStory: Past, Present, and Future, Book I mixed, although there are two single hits on the album, You Are Not Alone this and Scream, a duet with my sister Jannet Jackson. And his album INVICIBLE launched in 2001, by showing him as eccentric and at once serious musician.

Goodbye Neverland

Jackson damaging his own reputation when he was playing with his son Blanket on the hotel balcony in Berlin. Jacko dangling his son on the balcony so the fans could see it underneath.

The real problem came in 2003, with the TV documentary Living with Michael Jackson, in which the singer tells the British journalist Martin Bashir that he shared a bed with children. In 2004, Jackson was arrested with several charges, which include giving alcohol to children, abuse and kidnapping trial. Competing media reported the trial process. One day Jackcon came late in the trial and came up with wearing pajamas. But in the end June 14, 2005 it was decided that the singer was clean of all charges.

Feeling Neverland contaminated by the time police searched the abuse case, Jackson decided to take her children moved to Bahrain. Rumors he prepares his new album-making in the Middle East countries.

Earlier this year he announced will appear in a series of concerts in England. Jackson said this would be his last appearance - and apparently before the appearance itself he had to say goodbye to his fans forever.

Rabu, 20 Mei 2009

'American Idol', Adam Lambert, Kris Allen Duel for Crown

LOS ANGELES - "American Idol" finalists Kris Allen and Adam Lambert strutted their stuff in search of votes for the last time on Tuesday in a TV show singing contest host Ryan Seacrest dubbed "the guy next door versus the 'guyliner.

"Lambert, a flamboyant musical theater performer with a fondness for wearing eyeliner, and Allen, a clean-cut acoustic guitar player, each sang three songs in their final bid to take the 2009 "Idol" crown and win a recording contract. After 100,000 people auditioned last summer and five months of broadcasts on the Fox network, the winner will be chosen by viewers' telephone votes and announced at the end of a finale on Wednesday night.

Lambert, 27, who was widely considered the front-runner heading into the finale, reprised one of his best-received performances of the season, singing "Mad World," while Allen, 23, sang "Ain't No Sunshine" by Bill Withers.

"Idol" judge Simon Cowell dubbed the first round a victory by Allen, admitting that he had doubted whether the 23-year-old belonged in the finale.

"When your name was announced last week I wasn't sure whether America had made the right choice," Cowell told Allen.

"But I absolutely take all that back now."

For their second songs, the contestants performed selections chosen by "American Idol" creator Simon Fuller.

Lambert sang "A Change is Gonna Come" by Sam Cooke, receiving universal praise from all four judges. Allen followed with Marvin Gaye's "What's Going On," for which he got mixed reviews.

"A million percent Adam," Cowell declared.

For their final songs, Lambert and Allen performed their own versions of an original song called "No Boundaries" that was co-written by judge Kara DioGuardi. DioGuardi said she hoped Allen wouldn't be judged on that song, saying it was too high for his vocal range. For Lambert, it was more praise from the usually hard-to-please Cowell.

"The whole idea about doing a show like this is that you hope you can find a worldwide star -- I genuinely believe with all my heart that we have found that with you."

"American Idol" began as a cheesy summer talent show in 2002 but quickly morphed into a cultural phenomenon that attracts tens of millions of viewers a week to News Corp's Fox network.

It has generated a long list of stars from its winners and losers, including singers Kelly Clarkson, Carrie Underwood and Chris Daughtry and Oscar winner Jennifer Hudson. Ratings have sagged 7 percent this season to about 26 million viewers an episode, but it remains the top-rated U.S. show.(Reuters)

Hercules, Pesawat TNI Jatuh

JAKARTA - Korban dari jatuhnya pesawat Hercules C130 di Magetan, Jawa Timur, sebanyak 98 orang. Kini evakuasi korban dari puing-puing pesawat telah selesai dilakukan.

Demikian dikatakan oleh Kepala Dinas Penerangan TNI AU Marsekal Pertama FHB Soelistyo kepada para wartawan di Lanud Halim Perdanakusumah, Jakarta Timur, Rabu (20/5/2009).

Selain 98 orang tersebut, juga terdapat 11 orang awak pesawat dan penduduk Desa Geplak yang kediamannya terkena hempasan pesawat. Sementara yang selamat berjumlah 15 orang. Saat ini 98 jenazah tersebut masih berada RS Iswahyudi.

"10 orang dalam keadaan kritis dan 5 masih bisa berbicara," terang Soelistyo.

Kamis, 14 Mei 2009


Indonesia Health Minister statement about SWINE flu.

Health Minister, Siti Fadilah Supari announced public not to be afraid but keep aware to any possibility of swine flu emerging in Indonesia.

Fatality rate of bird flu (H5N1) appears to be higher – about 80-90 percent – compare to pig flu (H1N1) which about 6.4 percent. However, public asked to be aware since this virus has been confirmed to be transmissible among human.

H1N1 virus is only survivable in sub tropic area – in particular during autumn and winter – such as North America. Indonesia is a tropical country so that the possibility for the virus to survive is relatively low, said Health Minister in press conference, Ministry of Public Welfare Coordination (Menkokesra) office, Jakarta, Monday (27/4).

Pig/Swine flu or H1N1 cannot survive in warm temperate area such as Indonesia. But citizen are required to maintain self hygiene.

For preparedness of any possibility of this virus to emerge in Indonesia, Ministry of Health has ordered related parties to terminate import of pork. Moreover, government will do surveillance to numbers of pig farms in Indonesia, in total 9 millions pig population.

Meanwhile, airports in Indonesia have been equipped with Thermo Scanner or body temperature detector for new entrants.

Ministry of health also supplies Health Alert Card to airways companies and sea harbor, about the health/flu status, which required to be filled by new entrants.

Furthermore, Ministry of Health has prepared Tamiflu stock for H1N1 treatment.

In the same event, Director of Animal Derived Disease Control (PPBB) Ministry of Health, Rita Kusriastuti said, Thermo Scanner has been set up in 10 airports, i.e. Ngurah Rai Bali, Makassar, Surabaya, South Kalimantan, Jakarta, Batam and Medan.

Three millions Tamiflu for therapeutics have been prepared, and 100 reference hospitals will also be re-trained to anticipate the occurrence of the disease. Doctors in numbers of hospitals are also ordered to be more considerate in examining patients, said Rita.

Source: Indonesia Communication and Information Ministry. Departemen Komunikasi dan Informasi.


Meski belum sampai ke Indonesia, namun kita harus mewaspadai virus swine flu atau flu babi yang telah merenggut puluhan nyawa di Meksiko.

Lantas bagaimana gejala penderita yang terkena penyakit flu babi ini? Pada umumnya, gejala infeksi flu babi pada manusia mirip dengan flu biasa pada manusia. Yakni, demam yang muncul tiba-tiba, batuk, nyeri otot, sakit tenggorokan dan kelelahan yang berlebihan.

Namun selain itu, virus flu babi bisa membuat penderita muntah-muntah dan diare. Demikian seperti diberitakan Reuters.

Pemerintah AS telah menyatakan wabah flu babi ini merupakan wabah yang serius. Wabah ini juga diyakini akan terus menyebar. Bahkan badan Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO) menegaskan, flu babi merupakan keadaan darurat kesehatan publik yang menjadi keprihatinan internasional.

Flu babi ini mendatangkan risiko terbesar terjadinya pandemi berskala besar sejak wabah avian flu yang muncul kembali pada tahun 2003 lalu dan menewaskan 257 orang dari 421 penderita di 15 negara.

Tips Menghindari Flu Babi

Flu Babi alias Swine Flu atau H1N1 setidaknya sudah menewaskan 68 orang di Meksiko. Pandemi Flu Babi juga telah menyebarkan ke Amerika Serikat.

Bahkan Badan Kesehatan Dunia WHO sudah menyatakan pandemi Flu Babi sudah berada di level 6 alias pandemi global.

Menurut Dirjen Pengendalian Penyakit dan Penyehatan Lingkungan (P2PL) Depkes Prof. Dr. Tjandra Yoga Aditama, Sp.P., MARS kepada wartawan di Makassar, Sabtu (25/4), pemerintah melakukan enam langkah untuk kesiapsiagaan mencegah H1N1.

Enam langkah itu adalah:

1. Mengumpulkan data dan kajian ilmiah tentang penyakit ini dari berbagai sumber, 2. Berkoordinasi dengan WHO untuk memantau perkembangan.

3. Membuat surat edaran kewaspadaan dini

4. Melakukan rapat koordinasi dengan para kepala Kantor Kesehatan Pelabuhan (KKP) di seluruh Indonesia untuk meningkatkan kewaspadaan

5. Berkoordinasi dengan Badan Litbangkes untuk kemungkinan pemeriksaan spesimen, dan (6) berkoordinasi dengan Departemen Pertanian dan Departemen Luar Negeri untuk merumuskan langkah-langkah tindakan penanggulangan.

Tjandra mengatakan, penyakit flu babi adalah penyakit influenza yang disebabkan oleh virus influenza A subtipe H1N1 yang dapat ditularkan melalui binatang, terutama babi, dan ada kemungkinan penularan antar manusia.

Secara umum penyakit ini mirip dengan influenza (Influenza Like Illness-ILI) dengan gejala klinis seperti demam, batuk pilek, lesu, letih, nyeri tenggorokan, napas cepat atau sesak napas, mungkin disertai mual, muntah dan diare.

“Virus H1N1 sebenarnya biasa ditemukan pada manusia dan hewan terutama babi tetapi keduanya memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda. Begitu juga dengan virus flu burung H5N1 meskipun sama-sama virus influenza tipe A,” ujar Tjandra.

Menurut Tjandra, cara penularan flu babi melalui udara dan dapat juga melalui kontak langsung dengan penderita. Masa inkubasinya 3-5 hari. Masyarakat diimbau untuk mewaspadai seperti halnya terhadap flu burung.

“Menjaga perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat, menutup hidung dan mulut apabila bersin, mencuci tangan pakai sabun setelah beraktivitas, dan segera memeriksakan kesehatan apabila mengalami gejala flu adalah tahap awal menghindari flu babi,” ujar Tjandra.

sumber : kaskusphoto

Kamis, 26 Februari 2009


Remember this cute innocent guy? ya...he's David Archuleta, the runner up American Idol.He's charming and always smiles. A lot of people like him. Do you?

* Posted by Arch Angel on February 23, 2009 at 3:30pm
* View Arch Angel's blog

Hey everyone!

I'm reporting from Virginia, where we have our first 2 tour shows! Really exciting stuff. I'm really nervous! Ah! But I can't wait at the same time! We've been practicing and practicing and practicing. It's so weird to go on my very own tour, it doesn't feel real! But anyway haha. I'll tell you about the last week.

So the last week has basically been me and the new band getting ready for tour. They're all really fun to work with and really talented. It's fun just hanging out with them and we have a good time rehearsing, even though it's a lot of work. When we rehearse, it's basically just running through all the songs all day long lol. We try to tweak them, and see what we can add to it to make it more fun. It'll be fun to just get out there and sing, and I think you guys will have fun listening to the new songs from the album! I'm excited to perform them. Some of the songs are really high though, and I have no idea how I hit them... But I manage to lol. When I recorded some of the songs, like Running, Barriers, Crush, A Little Too Not Over You, I was thinking... "How the heck I was going to be able to sing them?!?" But I always managed to somehow haha. And the more you push yourself, (But not in a way you hurt your voice. It's more like you go for things you were afraid of doing and sing with confidence! haha) you become more comfortable. And the more you practice those scary songs, you find a comfortable place to sing them that you never knew about before. But yeah there's my little thought for the day I wanted to share I guess.

Another thing that happened over the last week is I went to LA to film my guest appearance on Hannah Montana haha. It was another thing I was really nervous about and wasn't really sure about at first. However, once I got there I had a great time! Everyone there was fun and Miley was a cool person to hang out with. She has a lot of energy and is really funny haha. Getting to watch how they rehearsed the scenes for the show was really cool too. It's always interesting to see the behind-the-scenes things. I've never really watched the show before, but it was sooo funny watching the other scenes! I think it'll be fun to see how the whole show runs altogether, because it was just cool to see how great of actors the other kids were. Anyhow, I better get to rehearsing for the big day tomorrow! I'll talk to you guys later! Ah! I'm pretty pumped for tomorrow! Let me know if you're going to the Virginia Beach or Richmond shows ok? You can let me know if you're going to one of the other shows this week too. Peace!

Sabtu, 07 Februari 2009


Jakarta - Anggun kembali untuk Indonesia. Sekalian merilis album Prancisnya yang ke-4, Anggun pun merilis album 'Elevation' di Indonesia. Album super dance ini boleh dibilang "the best".

Anggun menggaet Tefa & Masta, produser musik dunia. Hasilnya, sangat mengagumkan. Anggun menciptakan nuansa baru dalam setiap lagu-lagunya. Kali ini ia memang lebih banyak menggunakan musik R&B juga hip hop sebagai selingan.

Simak singlenya, 'Jadi Milikmu' yang dalam album Prancis bertajuk 'Crazy'. Lagu super up beat itu diiring alunan musik DJ yang catchy. Jangan halangi tubuh Anda untuk berdansa. Anggun pun menambahkan lagu yang telah diremix DJ Laurent Wolf sebagai bonus.

Single kedua yang rencananya akan segera dirilis yaitu 'Berganti Hati'. Lagu ini super mellow dengan iringan piano. Suara Anggun yang bening terdengar lebih jelas dan masih tetap memukau.

Ku tak ingin coba.. Ku telah kecewa...
Lelah ku bersenyum.. Lelah ku bersandiwara...

Kini kusadari.. Diri ini..
Ingin berganti hati...
Cinta yang telah pergi.. Harus berganti hati...

Di 'My Man' yang sangat techno, Anggun berkolaborasi dengan Pras Michel, salah satu personel The Fugees. Suara Pras yang sangat khas mengisi bagian rap. Satu lagi kolaborasi yang tak boleh dilewatkan yaitu dalam lagu 'Stronger'. Anggun bernyanyi dengan rapper Big Ali.

Lagu tersebut sedikit lebih rock dari pada yang lain. Namun masih dengan beat dance. 'Hide and Run' dibalut lebih banyak string. Sedikit nuansa musik Mesir, tapi tak kalah catchy.

Anggun tak melupakan putri kecilnya, Kirana dalam album ini. Di 'Selamat Tidur', Anggun membawakan lagu 'Nina Bobo'. ia mengganti kata-kata nina bobo dengan Kirana bobo. Sesekali terdengar suara tangis kecil Kirana. 'Eden in Your Eyes' yang hanya diiringi gitar akustik tersebut seperti dipersembahkan Anggun untuk putrinya.

Secara keseluruhan, album 'Elevation' menunjukan kedewasaan Anggun sebagai musisi dunia. Lebih dari satu, lagu Anggun kuat untuk menjadi single yang menggebrak tangga lagu dunia. Indonesia harus berbangga hati pada Anggun.

Daftar track album 'Evelation' Anggun:
1. A Change
2. Jadi Milikmu
3. Sebelum Berhenti
4. Berganti Hati
5. My Man (feat. Pras Michel)
6. Stronger (feat. Big Ali)
7. Give it to Love
8. Hide and Run
9. Divine
10. Is It a Sign?
11. Selamat Tidur (interlude)
12. Eden in Your Eyes
13. World
plus 4 bonus track
1. Crazy (Laurent Wolf radio edit)
2. Stronger (no rap version)
3. Shine (TV song)
4. No Stress (Laurent Wolf fr Anggun)

'Generasi Biru' Laris Manis di Jerman

Berlin - Belum rilis di Indonesia film 'Generasi Biru' garapan Garin Nugroho sudah melenggang ke Berlin, Jerman. Film itu tayang di Berlinale International Film Festival 2009. Tiketnya pun ludes terjual.

Film yang dibintangi Nadine Chandrawinata itu ditayangkan pada World Premier Berlinale International Film Festival pada Jumat (6/2/2009) kemarin malam waktu Jerman. Sedangkan di Indonesia baru 17 Februari 2009 mendatang. Sang sutradara, Garin Nugroho turut hadir dalam premier yang bertempat di Kino Arsenal, Postdamerplatz, Berlin.

Selama melenggang di Jerman 'Generasi Biru' akan diputar tiga kali pada 6, 7, 8 Februari 2009. Tiketnya pun ludes terjual secara online. “Wah bagus tuh,” sahut Garin saat berbincang dengan detikhot di Kino Arsenal, Postdamerplatz, Berlin, Jumat (6/2/2009) waktu setempat.

Panitia Berlinale rupanya sudah jauh-jauh hari memesan agar film Generasi Biru tampil di Jerman. Dalam wawancara ekslusif dengan reporter detikhot, Fitraya Ramadhanny, Garin mengaku panitia Berlinale mengikuti proses editing yang beru selesai 60 persen dari Desember 2008 silam.

“Tapi para kurator film dengan melihat bahan mentahnya saja sudah bisa memberikan penilaian,“ lanjut Garin.

Panitia pun rela menunggu film Generasi Biru dikirim ke Jerman, walaupun batas akhir pengiriman festival sudah lewat pada Oktober 2008 lalu. Tapi mau bagaimana lagi, proses produksi memang baru benar-benar tuntas akhir Januari 2009.

“Baru dua minggu lalu filmnya kita kirim ke Jerman. Saya saja belum liat trailer Generasi Biru untuk di Indonesia,“ ujarnya seraya tertawa.

Tidak hanya Generasi Biru, Laskar Pelangi pun unjuk gigi di festival film saingan Cannes ini. “Sekarang sudah ada generasi baru seperti Riri Riza, Mira Lesmana, John de Rantau. Tahun ini saya ingin anak-anak muda ini yang lebih tampil,” kata Garin.

Ini adalah film ke lima Garin di Belinale. Sebelumnya sudah ada Surat Untuk Bidadari (1994), Bulan Tertusuk Ilalang (1995), Puisi Tak Terkuburkan (2001) dan Aku Ingin Menciummu Sekali Saja (2001). Semua film Garin mendapatkan penghargaan khusus.


Nikahi Titi Kamal, Chiristian Sugiono Pindah Agama?

Jakarta Kabar bahagia datang dari Titi Kamal-Christian Sugiono. Pasangan ini dikabarkan sedang melangsungkan pernikahan di Australia. Untuk itu, Christian Sugiono pun pindah agama.

Kabar Christian sudah menjadi muslim di akui oleh ketua RT tempat Titi tinggal. Bahkan bukti sertifikat kalau Christian sudah memeluk Islam sedang dipersiapkan.

"Ya benar, tanggal 31 Oktober 2008 lalu (Christian masuk Islam). Christian telah mengucapkan dua kalimat syahadat. Saya yang menjadi saksi," aku Muklis, ketua RT tempat tinggal Titi Kamal di kawasan Jati Rahayu, Pondok Gede, Bekasi, Jumat (6/2/2009) malam.

Kabar tersebut semakin diperkuat oleh tetangga Titi Kamal. Bahkan saat ini Daniel, tetangga Titi menjelaskan bintang film 'Mendadak Dangdut' itu sedang melangsungkan pernikahan di Perth, Australia.

"Titi Kamal dan keluarganya nggak ada di Rumah. Dia pergi ke Australia, melakukan pernikahan di Perth," jelas Daniel.

Semenjak memeluk Islam, lanjut Daniel, Christian kerap berdiskusi dengan beberapa ustad. Salah satunya ustad ko. (taken from: DETK.COM)


Leptospirosis is caused by a spirochaete bacterium called Leptospira spp. that has at least 5 serovars of importance in the United States and Canada causing disease in dogs (Icterohaemorrhagiae, Canicola, Pomona, Grippotyphosa, and Bratislava)[3] There are other (less common) infectious strains. It should however be noted that genetically different leptospira organisms may be identical serologically and vice versa. Hence, an argument exists on the basis of strain identification. The traditional serologic system is seemingly more useful from a diagnostic and epidemiologic standpoint at the moment (which may change with further development and spread of technologies like PCR).

Leptospirosis is transmitted by the urine of an infected animal, and is contagious as long as it is still moist. Although rats, mice and voles are important primary hosts, a wide range of other mammals including dogs, deer, rabbits, hedgehogs, cows, sheep, raccoons, possums, skunks, and even certain marine mammals are also able to carry and transmit the disease as secondary hosts. Dogs may lick the urine of an infected animal off the grass or soil, or drink from an infected puddle. There have been reports of "house dogs" contracting leptospirosis apparently from licking the urine of infected mice that entered the house. The type of habitats most likely to carry infective bacteria are muddy riverbanks, ditches, gulleys and muddy livestock rearing areas where there is regular passage of either wild or farm mammals. There is a direct correlation between the amount of rainfall and the incidence of leptospirosis, making it seasonal in temperate climates and year-round in tropical climates.

Leptospirosis is also transmitted by the semen of infected animals.[4] Abattoir workers can contract the disease through contact with infected blood or body fluids. (urine)

Humans become infected through contact with water, food, or soil containing urine from these infected animals. This may happen by swallowing contaminated food or water or through skin contact. The disease is not known to be spread from person to person and cases of bacterial dissemination in convalescence are extremely rare in humans. Leptospirosis is common among watersport enthusiasts in specific areas as prolonged immersion in water is known to promote the entry of the bacteria. Surfers are especially at high risk in areas that have been shown to contain the bacteria and can contract the disease by swallowing contaminated water, contacting water with the eyes and nose, or entrance through open wounds.[5] Occupational risk factors include veterinarians, slaughter house workers, farmers, sewer workers, and architects and other building workers working on derelict buildings. An outbreak in an inner city environment has been linked to contact with rat urine.[3]